Spirit Dental Resources
Updated Oct. 2022Losing one or more teeth can cause you to lose your confidence and potentially makechewing and speaking difficult. Dental implants are popular because they look, functionand feel like real teeth, can be cleaned like natural teeth, and can last a long time.Despite how amazing this sounds, you might experience sticker shock when you seethe cost of dental implants.So just how much does a dental implant cost? In this article, we will explore how toknow when dental implants are the right choice for you, the average cost of dentalimplants and how Spirit Dental can help you. Are Dental Implants Right for You? Here’s How to TellWhether you’re missing one tooth or several teeth, dental implants might be the bestway to get your smile back. Before you consider the cost of dental implants, yourdentist can determine if you're even a good candidate for them. After thoroughlyexamining your mouth and your jaw, and taking some x-rays, your dentist will know ifyou're ready to undergo an implant procedure.Patients of all ages can get dental implants. For example, an athlete in his 20s who losta tooth during a sports competition could have an implant installed that will look andfunction just like a natural tooth. On the other hand, a senior in their 60s who lost atooth because of decay or gum disease could also have an implant installed in order toreplace the tooth.Here are a few scenarios in which dental implants might be the right choice:You're missing one or more teeth but your mouth is healthy and your jawbone is fully grown and healthy, too.You either have enough bone to secure an implant or the dentist will be able to perform a bone graft.You're generally healthy and you don't have any health problems that would affect the ability of your bones to heal.You aren't keen on the idea of wearing dentures, or you simply can't wear dentures for any reason.Once it has been determined that you are a good candidate for dental implants, you'llhave to consider the cost of dental implants before making a decision. Reach out to our team today to learn more about our dental implant insurance.How much does a dental implant cost?The cost of dental implants varies based on many factors, such as:The dentist you useThe dentist's locationMaterials used to make the implant and crownWhether you need other treatments like bone grafts or extractionsThe type of implant you getKeep in mind that you'll be undergoing a surgical procedure, so you will need to makemore than one appointment to set the implant, abutment and crown. In addition topaying for the implant and procedure, you’ll need to cover the cost of care used toevaluate your mouth before and after you get the implant. It all adds up fast, so it’s nowonder that the average cost of dental implants is so high.How much does a dental implant cost for one tooth?A single-tooth implant cost can range anywhere from $1,000 to nearly $7,000. But, onaverage, you might expect a single tooth implant cost without insurance to be around$4,800 for the implant, abutment and crown. This may not include extra treatmentsneeded before the implant procedure.If you need more than one dental implant or full-mouth implants, the cost will be higher,which is why we discuss the cost of multiple or full-mouth dental implants below.What is the cost of dental implants for multiple teeth?When you need to replace more than one tooth, the final cost of dental implants willdepend on how many implants you need. Also, if you’re getting a bridge to replacemultiple teeth in a row, that may affect the final price.On average, multiple dental implants might cost anywhere from several thousanddollars to over $10,000.How much does a full set of dental implants cost?Now that you have a better idea of how much dental implants cost for one or multipleteeth, it should be no surprise that having most or all of your chompers replaced will beeven pricier.Full-mouth dental implants cost anywhere from $25,000 to $60,000, but prices mighteven go as high as $90,000. Ouch!Again, prices vary based on several factors, but it's no secret that the cost of full-mouthdental implants can be expensive. Other dental implant costs to considerHere’s a breakdown of some of the potential additional fees you might incur on top of the actual dental implant costs:An evaluation to determine if you’re the right candidate for implants might cost, on average, $50-300.If panoramic X-rays are needed, they might add $100-250, on average, to your bill. If you need a CT scan to check the health of your jaw and teeth, it might cost, on average, $150-750. If a tooth needs to be extracted before it’s replaced with an implant, you might need to pay $150-700, on average. If you need a bone graft, the procedure might cost anywhere from $200 to a whopping $3,200, on average.Are dental implants covered by insurance?If the cost for dental implants has you feeling down because you can’t pay for it all out of pocket, don’t worry! Spirit Dental is an insurance company that dental insurancethat covers implants, so you can get the financial support you need to replace missingteeth without breaking the bank. If you need dental work done and don't want to wait for coverage, Spirit Dental offers no waiting period dental insurance.Depending on the plan you sign up for and the specific benefits it provides, your dentalimplant cost with insurance might be surprisingly affordable. Shopping carefully andchecking in-network and out-of-network benefits is wise. Doing so can help you selectthe ideal policy for your needs and save you money on the cost of dental implants.Let Spirit Dental help you share your smileDental implants can be expensive, but Spirit Dental has the comprehensive insurancecoverage you need to help you feel better about dental implant costs, and you won'thave to sacrifice having a beautiful smile. Besides insurance for implants, we also offermajor restorative dental insurance for fillings, dentures and other restorative dentalwork. Contact us to get your dental quote today!Sources:https://dentaldepotdfw.com/implant-dentistry/how-much-do-dental-implants-cost/https://www.johntgreendds.com/full-mouth-dental-implants-cost/https://www.forbes.com/health/body/how-much-dental-implants-cost/https://www.newmouth.com/blog/low-cost-dental-implants/
Your dentist might suggest a dental implant when he or she is unable to salvage one of your teeth. Rather than being left with a missing tooth, a dental implant can be used, as it will look, feel, and function just like a natural tooth. It’s no wonder that this is such a popular dental procedure!If you’ve opted to get a dental implant, knowing what to expect will help you move through this new experience with confidence and ease. So check out the information below on how you can prepare.The EvaluationWhen getting a dental implant, you might be required to sit through more than one surgical procedure, so you may not be able to get it all done in one day. Before getting started, your dentist will thoroughly evaluate you to determine exactly what steps should be taken. He or she will likely perform a complete exam, and then a treatment plan will be designed specifically for you, taking into account things like the health of your jawbone and the number of teeth that are going to be replaced with implants.Throughout this process, you might end up meeting with a few different dental specialists, such as an oral and maxillofacial surgeon and a periodontist. Any evaluation or consultation is a perfect time to ask questions, as well as talk about medications that you take and any medical conditions that you’re currently dealing with. Whether you take supplements, over-the-counter medications, or prescriptions, share this information with your provider so that he or she can make the appropriate decisions for your care to avoid complications.This may seem like a lot, but don’t worry, as it will all be worth it in the end when you have that beautiful, complete smile again!The Payment OptionsBecause dental implant procedures may require multiple trips to your dentist, and because they are so involved, the cost could be quite high. This is why it is a great idea to discuss payment options with your dentist in advance so you will know what to expect.If you don’t want to pay for everything out-of-pocket, look into dental insurance. Providers like Spirit can help cover the costs of dental implants if you have major restorative dental insurance. That should definitely put your mind at ease!The Big DayOnce you have been evaluated and your dentist has set you up with an appointment for your dental implant, it’s time to do some prep work at home the night before the procedure and the day of the procedure.You may be required to fast before your appointment, depending upon the sedation that will be used. Also, make plans to have someone drive you to your appointment and take you home. And if your dentist has prescribed any medications to take prior to the procedure, such as antibiotics, follow his or her instructions regarding when to take the medicine.It’s a good idea to prepare some soft foods in advance so you won’t have to worry about making yourself food after your procedure. Foods like soups, smoothies, and pasta are great choices, as your mouth will be sensitive and these are easy to prepare and store ahead of time. It might be tough, but getting plenty of sleep the night before your appointment will help your body be ready for the procedure, as well as the recovery that will follow. Then, on the day of the procedure, wear comfortable clothing, take any oral sedatives that were prescribed, and do your best to relax. You’re in good hands!It’s recommended that you plan to take at least three days following your implant procedure to just take care of yourself. Get loads of rest and follow your dentist’s instructions to allow healing to occur. Go ahead and take a few days off from school or work; you deserve it!Enjoy the Results!Once your dental implant procedure is complete and you’re all healed, you should find that your new tooth feels comfortable and functions just like your other teeth. You’ll be ready to smile bright again, and you’ll have a full set of chompers that you can use to indulge in all of your favorite foods! *Missing teeth prior to coverage are not eligible. Please review the plan details prior to purchase.Sources:https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/dental-implant-surgery/about/pac-20384622 https://www.vccid.com/preparing-dental-implant-surgery/https://www.damascusdentalgroup.com/blog/2017/03/how-to-prepare-for-your-dental-implant-procedure/https://www.colgate.com/en-us/oral-health/implants/restorative-dentistry-single-tooth-loss-what-is-an-implant
Whether you’ve lost a few teeth or have a medical diagnosis that requires you to consider implants, the thought can be quite overwhelming. For that reason, we’ve outlined some of the need-to-know facts to help give you a little more information about what may lie ahead.It has been estimated that 69 percent of Americans age 35 to 44 have at least one missing tooth, and one in four over the age of 74 have lost ALL their natural teeth.* As these stats are overwhelmingly high, many individuals will need to go through the decision of whether or not implants are the right option for them. All implant options require the need to fuse a tooth root to the existing bone. It can be a drawn-out, arduous process, but in the long run, you will have a replacement that looks like your natural teeth.“69% of Americans age 35 to 44 have at least one missing tooth, and one in four over the age of 74 have lost ALL their natural teeth.”As you lose teeth, if you decide to put off a decision to opt for replacements, you are slowly decreasing the amount of bone that once surrounded a fastened tooth. It’s been noted that there is a 25% decrease in width of bone during the first year after tooth loss and an overall decrease in height over the next few years. ** Dental implants are the only dental restoration option that preserves and triggers natural bone growth to help prevent bone loss.*What is involved in getting dental implants?Dental implants are replacement tooth roots that provide a strong foundation for permanent or removable replacement teeth.*** The process begins with an overall assessment of your teeth and jaw. There will be x-rays and molds taken to help study your mouth and bite. Once everything is assessed, and the dental team is ready to move forward, the first round of surgery is scheduled. The implants will be fitted into their permanent location, and it will take anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months for them to completely fuse to the bone. Before receiving a crown, bridge or set of teeth, you may need to wait for the healing process to complete before they can permanently be put into place. The entire process and healing time do vary based on the person and their individual needs.How successful are dental implants?In general, dental implants have a success rate of up to 98%, although it does vary depending on where in the jaw the implants are placed. With proper care, implants can last a lifetime.***“In general, dental implants have a success rate of up to 98%.”There are other options for teeth replacement out there, but implants act and provide the same function as your natural teeth. When the final crown or bridge is placed on, they should be undetectable.How do you care for dental implants?For the most part, it’s as simple as continuing with basic oral care, brushing and flossing consistently as well as making time for regular dentist visits. For at-home cleaning, some special tools may be required to prevent damage to the metal beneath the gum line.During your regular visits, the dentist will be monitoring the replacements to make sure they are adequately functioning, and there are no other foreseeable issues.Other need-to-know informationChoosing implants over removable options like dentures can alter your daily life. Implants are said to be more comfortable as they become a part of your mouth. They also allow you to eat with improved ease and can help with speech as removable teeth have the possibility of slipping.Before all major medical decisions, we recommend you do your research. Learn as much about your options as possible and seek consultation with more than one dentist or oral surgeon. * American Academy of Implant Dentistry, 2013.** ICOI, DentalImplants.com*** WEBMD, Oral Care Guide