The insurance industry is one of the sectors whose understanding has eluded many. Insurance policies are usually filled with insurance jargon that provides little or no definitions. Just like with legal matters, individuals are forced to depend on insurance agents to guide them through application, payment, and filing for claims. read more
Spirit Dental Resources
Regardless of the fact that you brush your teeth regularly, there might come a time when dental services might be needed urgently. Whether your child just lost her first tooth or if you are looking for cosmetic dental services, you definitely need to have a good dentist to provide these services immediately. Bearing in mind that dentists have become very saturated in different communities, it might be difficult to find an exceptional one effortlessly. Luckily with these amazing tips, you should find a good dentist in your area to service you and anyone else in your family.
1. Experience
Of course, you don’t want a newbie to deal with your teeth regardless of the type of service you need. Everyone needs an expert to handle their teeth that’s why it’s important to inquire about a dentist’s experience before making an appointment. A dentist who has been operational for a few has definitely gathered enough expertise to handle any dental emergencies and issues. A few dentists will reveal this information on their websites but asking them wouldn’t hurt too.
2. Reputation
With experience comes reputation which means that a dentist who has been operational for many years has established roots in the community. He/she has definitely established a good rapport with the patients due to the exceptional services provided. To ascertain whether a specific dentist is reputable in that community or not, you should consider checking testimonials from previous patients. If everything looks good, you can make an appointment without any qualms.
3. Hours Of Operation
No one can plan for dental emergencies. Therefore, if you or anyone in your family incurs a dental emergency anytime of the day or night, you should be able to get help before everything becomes worse. On that note, you can bank on a dentist who operates even at odd hours of the night without question.
4. Billing And Payment Plans
Dentists charge differently for their services. Therefore, depending on the services you need, you should look for dentists who offer high quality care at the cheapest and most affordable prices. It wouldn’t hurt to look at different price estimates from several dentists in your area before making a decision. There are many dental services that are covered by insurance. So, you need to check with your insurance company before going to a dentist for any service.
5. Services Offered
There are many dentists who offer general dentistry services. However, with advancements there are numerous services that have been introduced in the field of dentistry. This has led to specializations in these areas such as cosmetic dentistry. On that note, you should look for a dentist who offers the specific type of services you are looking for at the cheapest and most affordable cost without compromising on quality.
With these tips in mind, you definitely need to find reputable and reliable areas to get dentists. You can do a simple search online or get referrals from family members. Also, you can contact any dentistry school near you or state association and get names of dentists operating in that area. Good luck with your search!
Believe it or not, but the actual condition of your mouth is very closely tied to your overall health. This is why taking care of your teeth is so incredibly important. Taking care of your teeth is much more than simply trying to retain a beautiful smile. It is much more than aesthetics. There has been a ton of research that have found numerous links between overall health and well being to oral health. Truth be told, a lot of these links are not clear, but there is certainty that the actual condition of your mouth is very closely tied to your entire health. Below we will discuss some of the links that have been found.
1. Diabetes And Oral Health.
Doctors have actually know for many years that those that suffer from type 2 diabetes have a much increased incidence of periodontitis and/or gum disease. This connection was actually found by researchers at Columbia University. They found that people who had higher levels of gum disease actually had two times the risk of developing type 2 diabetes than people that suffered from no gum disease. While a lot more research is needed to further explain the connection, there is no doubt to medical professionals that gum disease can actually lead people to developing diabetes. There are different theories as to why this happens. One of them is that the infections in your mouth can actually spread throughout the rest of your body. Therefore, the inflammation and infection can wreak havoc on your ability to process sugar. This in turn can lead to diabetes.
2. Heart Disease And Oral Health.
Another very interesting connection has been made between bad oral health and heart disease. Researchers have found that those that suffer from gum disease have more incidences of suffering from heart disease. As with diabetes and oral health, researches have yet to figure out what directly causes this. However, they have a couple of theories as to why this happens. One of the theories is that small amounts of bacteria may enter your bloodstream through your infection(s) in your mouth while chewing which can then run through the rest of your bloodstream. Because of this, the bacteria can then lodge itself in different blood vessels which can cause a lot of dangerous blockages and lead to heart disease.
3. Gum Disease And Pregnancy Complications.
A lot of pregnant women actually suffer from gum infections throughout their pregnancy as a result of hormone fluctuation. A lot of other pregnant women actually neglect oral care when they are pregnant because they have a lot of others things that they are thinking about during the process. However, researchers have shown that it is a huge mistake to neglect oral care while pregnant because gum disease and/or inflammation in the gums/mouth can actually cause an increase in the production of a chemical compound that is known as, "prostaglandin." This chemical compound is actually widely known to have the ability to produce early labor. Therefore, there is sufficient evidence that poor overall dental care and oral health can lead to very low birth weight and other pregnancy complications.
As you can see, there is a direct relationship between dental care and overall health.
When it comes to dental insurance there are two types of dental plans. Determining which plan is best for you is easier if you understand the differences in the two types of dental plans.
PPO stands for Preferred Provider Organization. In a Preferred Provider Organization you'll still be able to select your own provider but it must be within the list of preferred providers or you'll have to pay a lot more money.
The dental insurance company and the preferred providers work together to help keep your costs reasonable. If you go out of network you will lose that benefit and likely be paying a bit more out of pocket for the services you have done.
Most preferred providers work within a group setting such as a health care facility or group in your local area. By joining in with such a group they are able to help keep costs down and pass that savings on to you the consumer.
An indemnity plan on the other hand, allows you the consumer to choose from any provider that you desire. However, you will lose some of the savings that you have with the preferred provider because they aren't under the same contract to provide services at a specific rate.
The indemnity plan will pay a flat rate that is pre set for services. For example: If you have your teeth cleaned they will pay a pre set rate for the cleaning, anything over that pre set rate the consumer will have to pay for.
Each service will have its own pre set rate and the consumer will be responsible for all fees over that rate. Some dentists won't bill an indemnity plan and the consumer must pay the fees out of pocket and then submit the reimbursement forms to the indemnity company themselves.
Choosing between the two plans can be challenging at best. If you have great teeth and only need minimal dental care you may be able to get along just fine with an inexpensive plan that covers a few fillings and an annual cleaning. However, if you have more serious dental needs you may want more comprehensive coverage.
If you live in a more rural area your options may be limited for PPO care providers. If you aren't able to drive the required distance to reach one of these providers you may need to opt with the indemnity plan for convenience sake.
You'll also want to make sure you read the fine print and know how much you're paying out each month in premiums. You'll want to understand the co payments and what you'll be responsible for in the fees as well.
Once you determine which plan will work best for your needs you can then explore the various PPO and Indemnity policies that are available. Always read the fine print and make sure that you understand the details of your policy before you sign the paperwork and make your first premium.
There is a reason why people can match-up PPO versus indemnity insurance, because both policies have their degree of benefits. However, there is a "right" choice so-to-speak. Not everybody has the same financial situations and in many cases the choice is purely based on what plan suites the needs of the individual. The only way to make that right choice is by understanding both PPO and indemnity policies.
Indemnity Insurance
It is also referred to as a fee-for-service and the purpose of this policy is to cover a portion of medical bills related to injury or illness. Take note that there are several different plans in this sector so it's important to shop around, but for the most part these types of policies cover about 80%. The rest has to be covered by the individual.
The policy can only go into effect when the individual pays the annual deductible fee. How much this fee will be depends on several things, such as age and the condition of an individual’s health. Also pay attention whether a policy covers routine exams, because they usually don't.
The biggest benefit of the policy is that the individual is free to go to any dentist, doctor or hospital. An individual can also switch doctors at any time. Even though indemnity policies are typically more expensive, they come with more flexibility and freedom of choice.
PPO Insurance
This type of insurance policy comes with a few more complications, but it's more affordable. Individuals have to pay a monthly premium which saves more out of pocket expenses. However, there are requirements in order to benefit from the plan.
The company selling the insurance is connected with several medical service providers. These include pharmaceuticals and doctors. Individuals have to go to the doctors and use medication brands that fall into the network of the insurance company, otherwise out of pocket expenses come into play. The doctors also become the gatekeepers for covered visits to specialists and pre-authorization needs to be given before the doctor visit can be made.
The most obvious benefit is that an individual gets to save a lot of money in terms of out of pocket expenses, as long as the rules of the policy are adhered to of course. Note that individuals are allowed to claim even when they visit doctors outside of the network, but this will result in a deductible payment from the individual.
The Best Choice
Don't be too hasty when making a decision. Yes, it's important to have insurance, but it's also important to sustain it. For this reason it's recommended to look at all the aspects of a lifestyle. Is there a need for a family plan? Are you sure you will be able to afford the insurance in the long run?
Once you can establish exactly what you need and what you can afford then you will make the right choice. Just check all the details thoroughly and do your homework first.
There are many people who believe that contradicting any diseases in the mouth doesn’t affect your overall health. According to them, what happens in the mouth, stays in the mouth. To the contrary opinion, this is completely misguided since the condition of your mouth is also tied to the health of the rest of your body. Remember, taking care of your teeth doesn’t stop at having a nice smile and fresh breath always. There’s more to it.
Researchers from different institutions have conducted various studies trying to identify the relationship between the mouth and the overall health of the body. There are a few conclusive ideas that have been adapted but the complete relationship is not yet distinct. Here are some of the results from these studies that will help you understand the relationship between your dental care and the rest of your body.
Diabetes And Oral Health
It is a known fact that people with Type 2 Diabetes are also susceptible to getting gum disease. However, the reverse had not yet been identified. Thanks to a study conducted in Columbia University, it has been identified that people with gum disease have a higher incidence of getting Diabetes (especially Type 2). Although the results of this study are not yet conclusive, there are a few theories that have been adapted to find some truth in the premise.
First, due to the infections present in the mouth due to gum disease, the body is susceptible to inflammation. This may result in poor sugar absorption due to damage to the insulin receptors found in the body. As such, glucose is not absorbed as it should, which is the foundation of Diabetes. On that note, the relation between oral health and diabetes is still under further studies but the initial results have proven true for most of the patients under study.
Can Oral Health Lead To Heart Disease?
Just as is with Diabetes, there have been a few connections between heart disease and oral health. However, the results are not yet conclusive as to whether the relation between these two is actually direct. There are a few common causes of heart disease and poor oral health. For instance, smoking has been identified to cause gum disease as well as cardiovascular issues.
There have been a few studies and theories identified such as the following. First, if an individual suffers from high levels of periodontal bacteria, there is likelihood that these might be transferred to the blood vessels after consuming meals or drinking liquids. Eventually, they result in blockages which result in poor heart health. However, it has been identified that if periodontal diseases are treated earlier, it might reduce arterial blockage thereby saving the patient from riskier cardiovascular diseases.
In summary, just like the rest of the body is connected so is the mouth. On that note, taking care of your teeth might go a long way in saving your heart or preventing the contraction of serious diseases such as Diabetes. Remember, there are still some studies underway in order to connect oral health with overall body health.
Have you ever come across people who are the dentists’ favorite patients simply because they never have dental problems? It could be because they take perfect care of their teeth by brushing and flossing after every meal. Or it also could be because they take note of the foods they eat to keep their teeth healthy. Whatever the reason, you need to practice good dental behavior by eating right and brushing regularly to avoid dental issues such as plaque, periodontal disease etc. Here are some foods that you should add to your diet to keep your teeth healthy.
1. Milk
First on the list of teeth fortifying foods includes milk. Basically, milk contains calcium which is beneficial to all the bones in your body as well as teeth. Milk keeps the teeth stronger and healthier and also protects you from getting periodontal disease. Also, it fortifies the jawbone keeping it healthy and strong.
Women are more prone to getting periodontal disease if there is lack of enough calcium in their diet. Therefore, it’s important to drink and eat calcium rich foods with milk at the top of the list. More specifically, you need to take skimmed or low-fat milk which gives you all the nutrients without any clogging of the arteries, like that experienced with whole milk.
2. Salmon
Salmon, a type of fish, is the best source of Vitamin D which is essential for keeping the teeth strong and healthy. Vitamin D allows for proper absorption of calcium which protects the teeth or gums from any oral disease. Basically, taking milk alone doesn’t do all work but taking salmon or other sources of Vitamin D improves the absorption rate of calcium in the body.
3. Oranges
It might look surprising but citrus fruits, more specifically oranges, improve oral health by strengthening the connective tissue as well as the blood vessels. These connective tissues are responsible for maintaining support for the teeth in the jaw. Also, vitamin C found in oranges slows down or prevents the progression rate of gingivitis.
4. Strawberries
Next to oranges, strawberries are also exceptional sources of Vitamin C with help repair your gum and prevent oral diseases. Vitamin C assists in the production of collagen, a crucial protein in maintaining the integrity and strength of your gums. A cup of fresh strawberries everyday will certainly do the trick.
5. Water
Drinking clean water everyday removes any debris left by food and maintains high levels of saliva thereby improving oral health. Saliva is the first line of defense against oral decay since it contains minerals and proteins which are responsible for counteracting acids that affect the enamel. Saliva contains at least 95% of water and it would work wonders if you kept yourself hydrated at all times.
Remember, hydrating yourself with sugary and fizzy drinks is not advisable since the content of this drinks is harmful to your teeth. Taking water also displaces any sugary content left in the mouth thereby keeping you free from oral decay. Add all these foods in your diet and delay the progression of oral diseases or prevent them altogether.