Importance of Getting Your Hearing Checked

Senior Dental Health
By: Spirit Dental
October 20, 2021

Senior woman getting wearing a hearing aid at an appointment

You might think about getting your teeth and gums checked at least once a year and going to the eye doctor annually might also be on your to-do list. But have you thought about checking your hearing?

If you’re like a lot of people, you might not be aware of the importance of having your ears and hearing checked on a regular basis. To learn why this should become a part of your routine for maintaining overall health as you get older, check out the information below.

Your hearing diminishes with age

As you get older, your hearing may start to diminish. You might not realize that it’s happening but hearing loss could begin when you’re in your 40s, and some people are affected when they’re even younger than that. So this isn’t something that only occurs in your senior years.  

Hearing loss caused by age typically develops little by little over time, but a simple test that uses sounds of varying pitches and loudness can help a doctor figure out how well you can hear.

Having your hearing checked by a professional is the best way to determine if you’re losing some of your ability to hear, or if your hearing is where it’s expected to be for your age.

Note: Aging isn’t the only cause of hearing loss. For example, it might be the result of trauma, damage, infection, or disease. Also, certain health problems, like diabetes and hypertension, might contribute to loss of hearing.

Symptoms that may indicate you need to test your hearing

Although hearing loss might happen without you realizing it at first, there are some symptoms to watch out for. If you experience any the following, it’s a good idea to make an appointment to get your hearing checked:

  • You tend to speak loudly to the point that others ask you to lower your voice
  • You have trouble hearing others when they’re speaking, and you often need to ask them to repeat themselves
  • You have trouble hearing the TV and need to turn the volume up high, to the point that others complain about it
  • It’s difficult to have a conversation with someone when there’s noise in the background
  • You have ringing in your ears that won’t go away
  • You can’t hear higher pitched sounds

What can be done if you’ve lost some of your hearing?

A test can help you get answers if you want to know how well you can hear, and whether your hearing is normal for your age. Plus, it may also help a doctor figure out what’s causing the symptoms you’re experiencing. So, to track your hearing through the years and catch problems in their earliest stages, consider having your hearing checked on a regular basis.

This simple step might alert you to other medical problems that are causing your hearing issues. And it might also give you a warning that you need to change your lifestyle (such as by avoiding noisy environments) to prevent further hearing loss. 

Bottom line: By getting your hearing checked regularly, you can figure out if there’s any loss, and you can also work on finding out why you’re losing your hearing. Then, with a doctor’s guidance, you may be able to take steps to prevent additional hearing loss, or you might be provided with hearing aids that can help you hear better.

How often should you get a hearing test?

Hearing tests are available for people of all ages, including babies. While children might be screened once every few years, adults might want to test their hearing once every decade. Then, once you reach 50, testing your hearing once every three years is a good idea. Of course, if your doctor gives you different recommendations, you can follow those instead. 

Unfortunately, hearing loss isn’t reversible, but if you’re proactive and have your hearing checked on a regular basis throughout your life, you might be able to receive valuable insight into what you can do to preserve your hearing as best as possible.  





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